How to make your WordPress website faster?

speed up

Why need WordPress Site Speed: Now we see the maximum website is WordPress based.  Because WordPress site development is so easy and also dynamic. But if you developed your website using WordPress we face speed problem. Website speed is the main fact for the user. If your website is slow it is not SEO based and not user-friendly.

Here some tips for increasing your website faster:

Choose the best hosting service:  Hosting is one of the key components of every successful website or web-based software. Select the best Hosting for your website.

Image Optimize: if Your Website wants to be faster firstly optimize your logo, banner and others image. Here some online tools for compressing your image:

Compress and optimize your images using compressor:

TinyPNG uses smart lousy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG files.

CSS and Javascript Compress:  When we design a website lots of unnecessary space include in our

CSS and Javascript. Minification tools to the process of removing unnecessary space without affecting our website. Here are some online tools for Compress space.

JavaScript Minifier or Compressor:

JavaScript/ CSS/ HTML Compressor:

CSS and JavaScript minifier:

Website load test: Website performance is most important for SEO. So you must increase your website faster. Check your website Load Time Here is some Tools for website speed check:

Page Speed Check Using Pingdom:

Page Speed Check Using Google Insights:

WordPress website performance: you can easily create your WordPress website faster just use some plugin. online has lots of plugins improves your website performance.

W3 Total Cache improves the SEO and user experience of your site by increasing website performance:

WPCache caching: This Plugin mainly used to cache pages for known users, URLs with parameters and feeds. Known users are logged in users, visitors:

If you are developing a good website, and you want the best performance on your website. you must follow this step by step.

How to make your WordPress website faster?